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Similar to previous one but tries to parse additional information for known contract types. This method is based on tonlib's function getAccountState. For detecting wallets we recommend to use getWalletInformation.
Identifier of target TON account in any form.
Retrieve wallet information. This method parses contract state and currently supports more wallet types than getExtendedAddressInformation: simple wallet, standart wallet, v3 wallet, v4 wallet.
Identifier of target TON account in any form.
Get transaction history of a given address.
Identifier of target TON account in any form.
Maximum number of transactions in response.
Logical time of transaction to start with, must be sent with hash.
Hash of transaction to start with, in base64 or hex encoding , must be sent with lt.
Logical time of transaction to finish with (to get tx from lt to to_lt).
By default getTransaction request is processed by any available liteserver. If archival=true only liteservers with full history are used.
Convert an address from raw to human-readable format.
Identifier of target TON account in raw form.
Convert an address from human-readable to raw format.
Identifier of target TON account in user-friendly form
Get merkle proof of shardchain block.
Block workchain id
Block shard id
Block seqno
Seqno of masterchain block starting from which proof is required. If not specified latest masterchain block is used.
Look up block by either seqno, lt or unixtime.
Workchain id to look up block in
Shard id to look up block in
Block's height
Block's logical time
Block's unixtime
Get transactions of the given block.
Send query - unpacked external message. This method takes address, body and init-params (if any), packs it to external message and sends to network. All params should be boc-serialized.
Address in any format
b64-encoded boc-serialized cell with message body
b64-encoded boc-serialized cell with init-code
b64-encoded boc-serialized cell with init-data
Estimate fees required for query processing. body, init-code and init-data accepted in serialized format (b64-encoded).
Address in any format
b64-encoded cell with message body
b64-encoded cell with init-code
b64-encoded cell with init-data
If true during test query processing assume that all chksig operations return True
All methods in the API are available through JSON-RPC protocol (spec).