本文档提供了使用 TON HTTP API 的全面指南,包括 API 端点、请求和响应格式以及错误处理。无论您是构建新应用程序还是与现有应用程序集成,本文档都将帮助您快速高效地开始使用 TON HTTP API。
Last updated
本文档提供了使用 TON HTTP API 的全面指南,包括 API 端点、请求和响应格式以及错误处理。无论您是构建新应用程序还是与现有应用程序集成,本文档都将帮助您快速高效地开始使用 TON HTTP API。
Last updated
Get basic information about the address: balance, code, data, last_transaction_id.
Successful Response
Get up-to-date masterchain state.
Successful Response
Get consensus block and its update timestamp.
Successful Response
Get up-to-date masterchain state.
Successful Response
Get metadata of a given block.
Successful Response
Locate outcoming transaction of destination address by incoming message.
Successful Response
Same as previous. Locate outcoming transaction of destination address by incoming message
Successful Response
Locate incoming transaction of source address by outcoming message.
Successful Response
Get transactions of the given block.
Successful Response
Similar to previous one but tries to parse additional information for known contract types. This method is based on tonlib's function getAccountState. For detecting wallets we recommend to use getWalletInformation.
Successful Response
Retrieve wallet information. This method parses contract state and currently supports more wallet types than getExtendedAddressInformation: simple wallet, standart wallet, v3 wallet, v4 wallet.
Successful Response
Get state of a given address. State can be either unitialized, active or frozen.
Successful Response
Get balance (in nanotons) of a given address.
Successful Response
Get merkle proof of shardchain block.
Successful Response
Look up block by either seqno, lt or unixtime.
Successful Response
Get shards information.
Successful Response
Get config by id.
Successful Response
Get NFT or Jetton information.
Successful Response
Get all possible address forms.
Successful Response
Convert an address from raw to human-readable format.
Successful Response
Convert an address from human-readable to raw format.
Successful Response
Get transaction history of a given address.
Successful Response
Run get method on smart contract.
Contract address
Method name or method id
Array of stack elements: [['num',3], ['cell', cell_object], ['slice', slice_object]]
Successful Response
Send query - unpacked external message. This method takes address, body and init-params (if any), packs it to external message and sends to network. All params should be boc-serialized.
Address in any format
b64-encoded boc-serialized cell with message body
b64-encoded boc-serialized cell with init-code
b64-encoded boc-serialized cell with init-data
Successful Response
Send serialized boc file: fully packed and serialized external message to blockchain.
b64 encoded bag of cells
Successful Response
Send serialized boc file: fully packed and serialized external message to blockchain. The method returns message hash.
b64 encoded bag of cells
Successful Response
Estimate fees required for query processing. body, init-code and init-data accepted in serialized format (b64-encoded).
Address in any format
b64-encoded cell with message body
b64-encoded cell with init-code
b64-encoded cell with init-data
If true during test query processing assume that all chksig operations return True
Successful Response
All methods in the API are available through JSON-RPC protocol (spec).
Successful Response