Broadcast Staking Tx

Broadcast a signed staking transaction. Returns a transaction hash whose status can be checked using the Ethereum RPC eth_getTransactionReceipt method (reference).

HTTP Request

This API allows the broadcasting of a signed staking transaction.

POST /api/v1/validator/broadcast

Path Params: No parameters

Request Params:

  • signed_transaction (string) [Required]: The signed staking transaction.


  • Upon successful broadcasting, the response contains a transaction hash (tx_hash) for the deposited transaction.

  • tx_hash (string): Hash of the deposited transaction.


    "code": "200",
    "msg": "Success",
    "data": {
        "tx_hash": "0xae96cb28f012f20a63118cf34f60de63c9884a483cc742d5f41a1aee6f5cd5f3"

Response Explanation:

  • In this example, the HTTP response code is 200, indicating success. The tx_hash in the data field represents the hash of the deposited staking transaction.

Last updated