📙How to generate Deposit Data?

Delegate to any of our validators and staking networks that we support

A short guide on generating Deposit Data


a. A compatible wallet (currently only supports Metamask) that holds more than 32 Eth

b. Generate deposit_data-timestamp.json which can be done through the deposit-cli tool.

Specifically, what we actually need is the withdrawal_credentials within the deposit_data-timestamp.json

Step 1: Generating deposit_data/withdrawal_credentials

Install the deposit-cli tool app here, ensuring you've selected the right one for your operating system.

Please make sure that you are downloading from the Ethereum Foundation's official GitHub account - https://github.com/ethereum/staking-deposit-cli/releases/

Step 2: Once the download is complete, uncompress the downloaded file.

Step 3: Open your command line/terminal.

Step 4: navigate (cd) to the directory containing the executable deposit file.

Step 5: Generate a new BLS keystore using the deposit-cli new-keystore command.

Run the executable with the following command deposit.exe new-mnemonic --num_validators 1 --chain mainnet for Windows and ./deposit new-mnemonic --num_validators 1 --chain mainnet for Linux or MacOS.

Run the executable with the following command

./deposit new-mnemonic --num_validators 1 --chain mainnet for

Step 6: Note down the mnemonic phrase.

The mnemonic phrase is a 16/24-word phrase that is used to generate your validator keys. Keep it safe, write it down on paper or use a password manager, and store it where only you can access it.

After running through all the prompts and confirmations, the deposit-cli tool will generate two files for each validator:

  • A deposit_data-xxx.json file

  • A keystore-m_12381_3600_0_0_n_xxx.json file

Keep these files safe. You will need them to manage your validator.

You can find alternative key generating tools here recommended by the Ethereum foundation.

Step 7 : Deposit 32 ETH

  • Connect your wallet to the Launchpad.

  • Follow the instructions on the Launchpad to deposit 32 ETH. This process involves submitting the deposit_data-xxx.json file generated by the deposit-cli tool.

Step 8: Save Generated Files

  • After depositing, the Launchpad will provide confirmation. Ensure that you have saved the deposit_data-xxx.json file, as it contains important information for your validator.

Last updated